Automatic Differentiation

Support for automatic differentiation is provided by the autodiff library [Lea18], included under Microphysics/util/autodiff. We use the forward mode dual implementation, which produces the derivative of each computation along with its output value. This results in largely the same arithmetic operations as manually calculating the analytical derivative of each intermediate step, but with much less code and fewer typos. All the machinery needed for use in Microphysics is located in Microphysics/util/microphysics_autodiff.H.

Most functions can be updated to support autodiff by adding a template parameter for the numeric type (the current code calls it dual_t). This should be used for any values that depend on the variables we’re differentiating with respect to. Calls to functions from <cmath> as well as amrex::min and amrex::max can be replaced with ones in the admath namespace. This namespace also exports the original functions, so they work fine on normal numeric types too.

To manually check whether a type is a dual number or not, use autodiff::detail::isDual<dual_t>.

Derivatives of single-variable functions

To take the derivative of some computation f(x), x must be an autodiff::dual, and has to be seeded with autodiff::seed() before the function is called:

autodiff::dual x = 3.14_rt;
autodiff::dual result = f(x);

We can then use autodiff::val(result) or static_cast<amrex::Real>(result) to extract the function value, and autodiff::derivative(result) to get the derivative with respect to x. The static_cast version has the advantage of working on normal numbers as well.

autodiff::seed(x) sets the derivative term of x to 1 (it is equivalent to x.grad = 1.0), which effectively tells the code that \(\frac{\partial x}{\partial x} = 1\). This propagates through any operations that f(x) does, and we end up with \(\frac{\partial f(x)}{\partial x}\) in the derivative term of result.

Derivatives of multi-variable functions

It is possible to calculate derivatives with respect to several input variables in a single pass, by using a (mathematical) vector of derivative terms instead of a single number. The interface is very similar to the single-variable case, with slight modifications: for N input variables, we use autodiff::dual_array<1, N> in place of autodiff::dual, and pass the variables in order to autodiff::seed_array(). After calling the function, we can extract the derivatives using structured binding declarations, as shown in the following example program:

#include <iostream>
#include <AMReX_REAL.H>
#include <microphysics_autodiff.H>

using namespace amrex::literals;

template <typename dual_t>
dual_t f(const dual_t& x, const dual_t& y) {
    return y * admath::sin(x) + admath::exp(y);

int main() {
    using dual_t = autodiff::dual_array<1, 2>;
    dual_t result;
    dual_t x_dual = 2.41, y_dual = 0.38;
    // seed the inputs
    autodiff::seed_array(x_dual, y_dual);
    // compute the function and both derivatives in a single pass
    dual_t result = f(x_dual, y_dual);

    auto [dfdx, dfdy] = autodiff::derivative(result);
    std::cout << "f(" << x << ", " << y << ") = " << autodiff::val(result) << "\n";
    std::cout << "df/dx = " << dfdx << "\n";
    std::cout << "df/dy = " << dfdy << "\n";